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Hi, really nice graphics. Are you also going to leave characters and weapons?

Hello, weapons would be a great addition I might include it within the Hostility Update which would add characters with some basic animation.

That would be a very good idea. Also because a complete set, it would make this project really unique. 

Hi, Can you please include shadows for the chest sprite sheet?

Hello there, 1.3.1 update just dropped as a response to your request. Thanks for continuous support into making this project at its best.

Awesome. Appreciate your prompt support! Keep up the good work!

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Very nice work! Looking forward to your future updates! Nice to have requests: some additional traps like projectile using arrow or fire from walls? Also door open/close animation for jail? And additional floor types like lava floor, sewers etc?

Thanks! Glad you're interested and hopeful to my updates! I'll keep those suggestions in mind. As for the floor types might wanna drop a follow since there are more than just Poong's Dark Dungeon in the works ;)

Awesome! Your art is really nice!
I was wondering, do you accept commissions?

I do! DM me if you desire, in IG @poong.gif

These look really good!


Thanks Yanako! 

Anytime :)

Can a version with 2 block high walls (32x64) be provided?

That's a great idea for variation, I'll surely add it to my timeline of to-be added feature, though I cannot estimate yet when will it get added.

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Hello Cunx, check it out the roadmap loved your suggestion therefore your wisdom is acknowledged. Expect for this update by December. Thanks again!